

So, you just celebrated Thanksgiving and now it’s basically already Christmas, I mean the music has already started playing on the radio, shopping centers have already put up their parking lot décor, and now it is socially acceptable to put up your Christmas tree. BUT we still have 30 plus days until New Years Eve and the start of 2018! This time is somewhat of a limbo….many are going to be eating Thanksgiving left overs for several days, your ugly Christmas sweater is dry cleaned and ready for at least 3 parties, and not to mention the office parties that are filling up your social calendar already! Well of course this time of year is known for many as the time of year they gain the most weight! You feel obligated to go to all these parties, however you don’t want to start your health and fitness goals just yet so the extra pounds just stack on.


Well let’s make this year different; we all want to feel good, look good, and have a properly working digestive system and having a plan of action can help you stay on track, but still enjoy your holidays! Here are 3 tips to help you stay on track during this Limbo time and head into 2018 AHEAD of your goals.


  1. Enjoy Food in Moderation. OF COURSE you should have enjoyed yourself at Thanksgiving, but don’t keep that party going by consuming the leftovers for several days afterwards! Thanksgiving meals usually have such an abundance of food left over that you have the same meal with all those extra calories to eat over and over again. Having a cheat meal/day is NOT going to set you back, but when that day turns into a week, or a month, then YES then is will set you back. So get back on track the next day and return to your regular meal plan. Learn how much you should cook for next year that will prohibit having so much food left over. (Meal Plans Available here:  

This also goes for holiday parties; enjoy yourself at a party but keep your drinking to glass/cocktail and don’t stand by the food table as you may start grazing. Need some tips on mindless eating, then check this blog out: 

  1. Plan Time For Your Workouts and Hit the gym for some Full Body Workouts. I know you’ve heard this before; the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, well it’s TRUE!!!! When you head to the gym think about a workout that will be full-body, with multi joint exercises that emphasize on the biggest muscle groups: Legs, Back, Chest and Shoulders. Multi Joint means the exercise works more than one joint for example, Squats. Squats involve your hips, knees, and ankle joints. A Bicep curl is NOT a multi joint exercise, because it involves only the elbow joint. So think big when it comes to picking the right exercises so you maximize your workout time as well! Please don’t think I am telling you to never work your biceps, but incorporate them into a multi joint movement; Dumbbell Squat with curl OR Dumbbell Squat with curl to shoulder press. These are great movements that are multi jointed AND will increase your heart rate!!!!

 Need Assistance with training? Here are a few of my programs (

  1. Set A Realistic Goal For This Time Period (Not your 2018 goal, but a short term one). I am a huge believer in short-term goal setting. If you have a goal that you want to loose a 100 pounds during 2018 that is a huge undertaking! During this Limbo time, set a short-term realistic goal that you know you can accomplish. For example, working out 3 times per week or meal prepping 6 days a week but enjoying that holiday party Saturday night. It is important to stay FOCUSED!!!! If we are not working towards something, then of course we will fall off track and then our discipline, eating, and not working out could get out of control!


Nutrition coaching is a great way to sit down with me and talk about your goals, formulate a nutrition plan, and provide you with some fitness accountability! Sometimes we can’t go it alone, but I can HELP YOU!! Email me at to set up your Transformation Coaching session Today!!!




How Fit Girl Dates Fit Boy Parts 3 and 4.


Time to revisit Fit Boy and the ongoing saga (yes this seems like it will be a never ending story).  If you’ve missed parts 1 and 2, i promise they are a short, semi-entertaining read.

Sooo, I have had quite a block from writing. Sometimes it’s tough to sit down and express myself and what I am feeling in a written form! So Fit Boy’s story has been left hanging and now it’s time to bring it to a close, well at least for this week! Things have been progressing for me both personally and professionally. Even through my disaster I call a “dating life” I feel I have grown; figuring out what I am looking for in a potential mate, not wasting my time with the emotionally unavailable men, letting go of the emotionally draining/needy guys and still growing as a strong, independent (i know cliched) woman.  I’ve let men control me (and not in the hot and sexy way), lie to me, treat me like just shit, but all part of the learning process right?! (well, that’s what my mother keeps telling me.)


Being in the health /fitness industry is both awesome yet daunting at the same time. In a male dominated world, my hustle game has to be strong as well as me being confident in the business I am building! We fitness gals need a man that understands the entrepreneurial lifestyle of a trainer AND a competitor (“Uh I don’t like the idea of you going on stage in a bikini”…called controlling dude), leads a healthy lifestyle, and someone who makes us laugh while being on a low carb diet!  The picture I chose for this particular blog was of course on purpose; i feel it encompasses who i am.




I last left my Fit Boy story off when he started lazy texting me and bombarding me with selfies.

After a while of this type of daily interaction, I started to think, “oh my god is this what I am going to look forward to everyday?” “Have I become immune to the male form or am I just sick of seeing him?” I just feel that there should be more to a relationship than just how you look. Yes its great that we both have competing in common, but honestly looking like you are show ready is super hard to maintain and I kept thinking, well what about me in the off season? Will he like my fluff?

I have discovered through my fitness journey I love the person that I have evolved into, but I am more than just a trainer and a competitor. I don’t want to look stage ready all year (Like fuck I am going to diet and do show prep cardio 365 days a year!!!). I want a significant other that knows a healthy lifestyle is important but isn’t obsessed. I know that competing can be obsessive but it is not everything!

I also felt a turn with his interactions; a girl can tell, so i shouldn’t have been surprised right?  But I guess I didn’t expect it in the middle of the night.

So one night,  I was asleep, because well it was 3 am and he sent me a break up text. (I do remember the day because I had to get up super early to run a race on July 4th…Weird how that shit happens). Well I was asleep, obviously, but I woke up around 430 to find that text. (Texting to break up is like how Carrie Bradshaw was broken up with on a post it note.) Just saying. Well needless to say, I ran super fast in the hottest fucking race I have ever run, as I was slightly angry and of course I didn’t respond because it was 4 ish in the morning. (What the fuck is up with these early texts?,… taco boy!!!) Upon completion of that hot as Fuck race I find that he had sent me text after text that morning while i was sweating my entire body weight out.  And because I didn’t respond, he seemed up set (UH Dude can’t have the respond train only go your way) He just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t mad and was ok. (???????????)

Uh dude, nah, I am upset, it’s ok for me to be upset, and you can’t just send a break up text and expect me to be perfectly fine??? Eff that!

So thinking that our relationship is ‘over’ I keep on keeping on. Life must go on! So as part 3 ends, I will just dive right into part 4 because Fit Boy continues to pop into my life when I least expect it.

Why just the other day I received some texts from him….a couple of selfies (progress photos… maybe??? Or the seeking of reassurance on how big his lats are? Or ego stroke…”oh my god you’re so big now” is not the response i gave) and him telling me he will be competing soon. Of course I wished him good luck! Let bygones be bygones…I of course keep my inward thoughts in the parentheses! He then asked me if I was dating anyone; as I am not, I said no. Fit Boy (who has a current girlfriend) apparently was amazed that I am single (uh, im fine with it!); and proceeded to inform me that if we are ever single at the same time; he is coming for me. Uh what the fuck does that mean? I of course have sugar coated this whole debacle of a ‘relationship’ but I am not one that will revisit an epic fail of a relationship. Whatever I thought; maybe he will finally leave me alone; BUT OH NO!!!


The same evening….I received a full frontal nude + dick pic; followed several minutes later by an apology text. Apparently one of his friends got on his phone and sent that picture to me. “Uh first of all, what guy does that to another guy? And I would NEVER do that to a friend!” Somewhat fishy and no I didn’t believe him! Let’s just say that I was extremely embarrassed for him; if I myself were a huge dick I could send that pic all over the internet! I did not appreciate it, even if it was a “mistake” !!! Let’s move on Fit Boy, even single I am not available to you!!!


Hopefully this is ONLY a 4 parter!


Have you downloaded my 28 Day Challenge yet? Make this the season you stay on Track!! For just $49 I included 4 weeks of full body workouts, weekly core sessions, with sets, reps and weights!!! PLUS I will even send you my 28 Day HIIT CALENDAR FOR FREE; feel that burn with daily HIIT sessions that will help you reach your goal faster! CLINK LINK : AND DOWNLOAD TODAY!